Creative Crush Wednesday: illustration 315

I have an addiction of finding new artwork/artists on the internet and becoming obsessed with their work.  I ran across an illustration on Pinterest that I really liked ... I always try to look into the artist because I assume that if I like one piece, I may like the rest of their work. The illustration was created  by an artist going by the alias "@illustration315".  I still don't know who this person is.  After a few google searches the only things I can find out is that the artist lives in New Hartford, NY,  on FB the gender says male, and the name Sevelle is in the IG profile and could be his/her name... my investigative skills are usually A1 but uhhh.. thats all I got. 

Whoever it is the illustrations are dope! Its very rare that I run across artwork that I feel represents me, or black women in general. They sorta remind me of The Proud Family which reminds me of the good ole days of being a child.  I love the attitude and personality in the characters and the fact they're so relatable... at some point I've worn an outfit similar to all of the characters and its something thats really cool about that. Speaking of,  I've been really into the idea of creating  characters, which is one of the reasons I created the "Who Run It" wallpaper.  Its definitely something I'm investigating. Let me know what think about the illustrations and if there are any similar artist you think I should check out let me know! I'm still debating if i'll turn this into a reoccurring column every Wednesday but thats still up for debate.  Happy hump day! 

For more illustrations you can check out @Illustration315 here, here, and here